
Are you, or is someone you know, in an emergency situation or experiencing a crisis? A mental health crisis can be any situation in which a person’s behavior puts them at risk of hurting themselves or others and/or prevents them from being able to care for themselves or function effectively in the community.  If you are experiencing a crisis, you may access our registration link  (10am-1:30pm Monday - Friday) . If this crisis cannot wait until the next day during registration hours, you may call TCS (215-204-7276) during regular business hours and ask to speak with a counselor and indicate that it is a crisis.

If you are experiencing a crisis after business hours, the mental health crisis service may be accessed by contacting TUPD (215-204-1234) and they will transfer you.  You may also visit this list of hotlines if you wish to speak with someone after business hours: https://counseling.temple.edu/hotlines 

Alternatively, if you feel unsafe and need immediate assistance, please go to Temple Episcopal Crisis Center or your nearest emergency room. Temple Episcopal Crisis Response Center is located at 100 E. Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19125. Their phone number is 215-707-2577.  You can also contact Campus Safety Services at 1-1234 or 215-204-1234. Students that require assistance off-campus should dial 911.

Students residing in Temple residence halls are encouraged to contact their RA or RD for assistance. Campus police are available at all times by dialing 1-1234 from a campus phone, or by dialing 215-204-1234 from off campus.