Prejudice, a prejudgment or assumption made about someone without the adequate knowledge to do so with guaranteed accuracy, can negatively impact emotional well-being and one's sense of self. Discrimination, or actions or behaviors taken against individuals as a result of prejudiced beliefs, can create feelings of shame, anger, and sadness in victims.
Students, faculty and staff members who feel they have been victims of discrimination or harassment may make an informal complaint to any Equal Opportunity (EO) Ombudsperson or a formal complaint to the Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance. To reach EO Ombudspersons, contact the Dean's Office of a school/college or access the online list.
Anyone in the Temple community who has a question or concern about compliance with nondiscrimination, equal opportunity or affirmative action obligations is encouraged to call a staff member. Consulting the Office of Equal Opportunity Compliance at the outset helps assure equal opportunity in the procedures for recruitment, advertising, hiring, employee testing, promotion, and helps prevent discrimination in individual decisions and actions.
Prejudice and discrimination may have far-reaching effects. People who believe that they are being judged negatively or who are treated as inferior may have difficulty performing to the best of their ability, especially if they experience prejudice or discrimination on an ongoing basis due to an intrinsic characteristic of who they are as a person. The discriminatory actions of others may also lead those affected by these assumptions and behaviors to develop physical or mental health problems as a result. The support of a mental health professional may be helpful when this is the case.
Coping with Racism and Discrimination
Considerations for students of color and white allies
The purpose of this document (thanks to the counseling centers at the University of Illinois and UCSC) is to define race-related stress and the impact it can have on the academic and social success of students of color. Additionally, it will provide tips on how to effectively cope with race-related stress and maximize one’s academic potential.
The Implicit Association Test (IAT) measures attitudes and beliefs that people may be unwilling or unable to report. The IAT may be especially interesting if it shows that you have an implicit attitude that you did not know about. For example, you may believe that women and men should be equally associated with science, but your automatic associations could show that you (like many others) associate men with science more than you associate women with science.