What services does TCS offer?

How do I access services?

  • In order to initiate services at TCS, please click here for our Access page, you will then go to the Registration link  and complete section #1.  Access hours to initiate this link and register are: 10am- 3pm Monday - Friday. 

 After forms are submitted, you will receive a call from TCS regarding next steps (please know the incoming call will likely come from a blocked or unknown number). 

If you have been seen at TCS in the past and are interested in speaking to a counselor please call 215-204-7276 and leave your name, phone number, email address and a message.

What if I am experiencing a crisis?

  • A mental health crisis can be any situation in which a person’s behavior puts them at risk of hurting themselves or others and/or prevents them from being able to care for themselves or function effectively in the community.
  • If you are experiencing a crisis, you may access our registration link  (10am-3pm Monday - Friday) . If this crisis cannot wait until the next day during registration hours, you may call TCS during regular business hours and ask to speak with a counselor and indicate that it is a crisis.
  • If you are experiencing a crisis after business hours, our after hours support and crisis line can help. Please call 215-204-7276 and press #1 when instructed.  You will be connected with a mental health professional who will help support you and identify resources, if appropriate.  You can also contact TUPD (215-204-1234) and they can transfer you to our mental health crisis service.
  • You may also visit this list of hotlines if you wish to speak with someone after business hours:
  • Alternatively, if you feel unsafe and need immediate assistance, please go to Temple Episcopal Crisis Center or your nearest emergency room. Temple Episcopal Crisis Response Center is located at 100 E. Lehigh Avenue, Philadelphia PA 19125. Their phone number is 215-707-2577.

Who is eligible for services at TCS?

  • Students who are currently enrolled are eligible to meet with an Intitial Assessment counselor where treatment recommendations will then be made based on their presenting concern(s).
  • Students who have graduated, are not currently enrolled in classes or are on medical withdrawal/leave of absence are not eligible for services at TCS.  A list of referrals for providers can be found using our referral database:
  • Faculty and employees are not eligible for services, and should contact Temple Employee Assistance Program (EAP) for services:

Do you do mandated treatment?

  • We do not do any form of court-mandated treatment.
  • We do provide psychoeducation for students who have university-required sanctions, such as students who have been found to have violated the student conduct code. In this case, students must initiate services during registration hours (Monday - Friday; 10am - 3pm). We do not expedite this process for students based on timelines. As such, we advise students come to register as soon as possible after they receive their sanction, in order to complete this process in a timely fashion.

Do you write letters for students?

  • Letters of support for medical withdrawal, academic considerations, emotional support animals, or other concerns are not written without a prior treatment history at TCS or without sufficient time to gather pertinent information to make a recommendation. Only students who have a treatment history at TCS or who are in the process of registering for services may be provided with letters when enough information has been gathered, which may take several sessions. Writing letters is always at the discretion of the clinician.
  • Letters are written at the discretion of the treating clinician.
  • We do not provide letters for students who are not in treatment or initiating treatment.


If I am in individual therapy, how many sessions will I receive?

  • On average, students are seen on a short-term basis, typically averaging between 4-6 sessions.
  • If you are looking for longer-term therapy, please see our list of referrals:
  • The number of sessions varies based on several factors and will be discussed between you and your counselor.

Do you do telephone (or video) sessions, and/or send text or email reminders?

  • The use of phone (or video) for sessions will be determined in conjunction with the student.
  • Phone is typically used for the initial consultation and scheduling.
  • Reminders are sent out via text for individual counseling and psychiatry appointments.

Do you do evaluations for ADHD?

We are able to provide referrals for psychoeducational and neuropsychological testing. Alternatively, we offer limited formal psychological evaluations at TCS. You can speak with your counselor about being placed on a waitlist for an evaluation.

Can I observe a group or interview a therapist?

  • Due to the increasing demands for services at TCS we cannot accommodate requests for classroom assignments.
  • TCS staff sometimes accept requests from the media as time allows. To make a request call the counseling center main number (215) 204-7276.

Can I come to TCS during the summer if I am registered for the upcoming fall semester, but not registered for summer classes?

  • Yes, for returing students.
  • If you are a new student starting in the fall, you can come to TCS in August.

What is confidentiality?

  • Confidentiality refers to the ethical and legal requirement for therapists to protect their client’s privacy, and to keep information revealed within the therapeutic relationship confidential. All information shared within treatment at TCS is kept confidential. However, there are generally three exceptions to confidentiality. Therapists may need to break confidentiality if:
    • You are a danger to yourself or others, or you threaten to cause serious and specific harm to another person.
    • They learn of abuse or neglect of a child, elderly person, or disabled individual.
    • If a client’s records are subpoenaed or court-ordered.
  • Additionally, we will only speak with individuals (e.g. parents, faculty, other providers etc.) if you sign a release of information (ROI) granting that permission.
  • We cannot speak with parents or guardians about their child’s treatment, unless the student has signed an ROI.
  • Students being seen due to violations of student code of conduct must sign an ROI, so that the counselor can notify the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards when the student has completed required evaluation and/or treatment.

I’m worried about my child. Can you reach out to them?

  • TCS does not do outreach to students since counseling must be entered into voluntarily. We advise you to encourage the student to access our services during registration hours (Monday - Friday 10am - 3pm). 
  • There are also other services available on campus for outreaching students who are in distress. Temple CARE Team “is a multi-disciplinary body of stakeholders from across the University which receives referrals pertaining to students of concern, collects additional information, and then identifies and enacts appropriate strategies for addressing the situation.” Please contact CARE Team directly for consultation regarding outreach.
  • CARE Team is NOT for emergencies. In case of emergency or for an immediate Wellness Check, please contact TUPD at (215) 204-1234.

Can I get a new therapist or psychologist?

  • Goodness-of-fit is an important component of therapy and the therapeutic relationship that we value at TCS. However, it is not common that students need to switch therapists.
  • If you desire to switch providers, you are encouraged to first speak with your clinician, you can also meet directly with our Associate Director for Clinical Services to explain and discuss your rationale for this request. The Associate Director for Clinical Services will then meet with the counselor and make a decision to refer internally or outside of Temple.

What do I do if I want services that I am not offered?

  • At TCS we can provide students with referrals for community-based services and resources, as well as low-fee options for services. Our website contains a searchable referral database to help students identify appropriate referrals. Our referral database can be found here:
  • Additionally, students can register for further help with referrals, or ask for an appointment with our Referral Coordinator.

How do I start the process of meeting with a psychiatrist?

Like our other services, students must initially register during access hours (Monday - Friday; 10am - 3pm), from here you will be contacted and a clinician will discuss your specific needs with you and determine whether our psychiatrists are the appropriate and best fit for your needs. If assigned psychiatric services, you will attend a one hour psychiatric evaluation with one of our psychiatrists.

How do I get a refill on my medication?

If you meet regularly with your TCS psychiatrist, they will refill your medication as needed at their discretion. You must meet regularly and consistently with your psychiatrist to monitor progress and request refills.

Do I need a full psychiatric evaluation, if I just want to refill my pre-existing medication?


Will the psychiatrist give me the same medication I was prescribed prior to coming to TCS?

You will need to meet with one of our psychiatrists for a psychiatric evaluation, and they will discuss with you appropriate medication options. The psychiatrist may or may not recommend continuing with a medication you have taken in the past.

Do you provide medication for ADHD?

  • Your TCS psychiatrist will discuss medication options with you, based on presenting concerns and diagnosis. Medications prescribed are at the discretion of the treating psychiatrist.
  • You can read more about our ADHD policy here:

Do I have to see a therapist if I am also seeing a psychiatrist at TCS?

For some clients, we highly recommend therapy in addition to psychiatric services. However, this at the discretion of your treating providers. Your psychiatrist will discuss this further with you at your psychiatric evaluation, based on your specific clinical needs.